The Most Beautiful Place of Pakistan “Skardu”

Skardu is a town in Gilgit-Baltistan region which has long been the main tourist and trekking base to the western Karakoram range. A place for all the nature lovers and adrenaline junkies, offering snow-caped large altitudes to see-through pools. Close, Climbers also arrive aboard treks to these peaks like Baltoro Glacier trek and K2 Base Camp trek. In addition to the land scapes Skardu is blessed with rich culture full of colours and local festivals ans wovation music. Get ready to immerse yourself in this mesmerizing world and embark on the most thrilling escapade


The culture of Skardu is a colourful tapestry crafted with plentiful traditions and the age-old custom of generous hospitality. The Shandor Polo Festival and Navroz are local festivals conservation at the hand of this cultural area. This is a spectacle of the Shandor Polo Festival, which takes place on the top 9th highest polo ground in the world where fast-paced matches are played against majestic backdrop amidst traditional music and dances along with local delicacies etc. Whereas Navroz, celebrated on or around 21 March, is a day for family reunion and feasting that also represents the look of spring.

Skardu also has a rich folklore with its own unique type of music. To enhance the cultural spectrum of Skardu tradition handicrafts, delicious local food and snacks make visits a lot more interesting as well. The folks of Skardu dress in pretty traditional clothes that part the vivid culture demonstrated withinside-and-this-side.

Adventure Awaits

Skardu is a complete treat for adrenaline junkies! In the area are a large number of leisure activities, such as trekking or hiking and even rock climbing -or paragliding. Trek to some of the iconic trekking route know as K2 Base Camp Trek, Baltar Glacier Trek, Hushed Valley Treks and Nanga Parbat Ice Wall & Footprints provide a fascinating experience amidst Karakoram range.

Tips for Hiking

Having an insight of the tough K2 Base Camp trek is very important to prepare oneself for a successful adventure. Specific training cues are:

1. Endurance: Get on that treadmill, stairs and run to increase your stamina for long treks.

2. Strength Training: For leg strength, core strength and upper body do exercises such as squats, lunges, planks.

3. Altitude Training: Introduce altitude training opportunities to make your body get used to the high altitudes and cut down on risks of height sickness as much as you can.

4. Hiking Training: Get plenty of miles under your boots on varied terrain while carrying a weighted pack to prepare for the physical demands of trekking.

5. Psychological readiness: Start by visualizing success and do not lose sight of what you are aiming for.

Traditional Dances in The Celebration of Culture

Skardu, being a city full of picturesque views also holds a strong cultural background which is most probably viewed through its traditional dances. At the festivals, weddings and fairs you will find lively ballet

Balti Dance

Balti Dance — The Baltistan region gives place to another dance common natural piece of the colourful attire and rhythmic movements are seen in this lively activity And so we enjoy a joyous celebration of dancers who come together and embody the spirit of unity in Baltojung village.

Shimshal Dance

Coming from the Shimshal Valley, this cultural display is an eye-catcher as well with its name being the Shimshal Dance. The dance is performed during festivals and comprises of synchronised movements. The traditional attire provides a sense of identity to the community. It is a beautiful joy of being together and you will not be able to help but feel spell-bound.

Chilam Joshi Dance

Chilam Joshi Dance is a colourful dance performed by Kalash people at the time of Chilam Joshi festival. The Costume Participants wear colourful costumes and beaded shells around their bodies, perform dance steps within drum sounds; creates a lively community built on the theme of renewal behind.

Ideal Time to Go in Skardu

The best skiing and mountaineering trip to Skardu is to visit it in the summer days from June up till September. Regardless of the season though, you can always expect visiting during this period that offers more pleasant conditions (hence better for scenic shots) with milder weather and clearer skies. Remember to dress for the weather (the climate can change quickly) and enjoy how incredibly beautiful it is out there on those trails.

Accommodations and Camping

Planning your stay, there is accommodation ranging from budget guesthouses to luxurious hotels for all types of preferences. Stay: Camping: Make your stay memorable by camping under the stars at Fairy Meadows, a way to enjoy breathtaking views of Nanga Parbat and come close with nature. Baltistan, with its never-ending beauty can be a lil piece of heaven for your memorable memories.

To summarize whether you are after some adventure and a little bit of thrill in the K2 Base Camp trek or just wanting to wander around scenic Hushe Valley, Skardu provides all kinds experiences that is only right for this heart-warming blending between nature’s spectacle with rich cultural background. Get ready for an unforgettable tour to this magical land of Pakistan.

Fruits main source of Income

Gilgit-Baltistan is world known for its tasty fresh & dry fruits. The valley grows variety of fruits including apricot, apple, almond, pear, cherry and walnut.

Muhmmad Ayub, a local resident from Skardu, said fruit is our main source of income as the region yields huge volumes fresh and dry fruits.

There are some people making good money even in the summer tourist season, however.

It’s a quiet area and the people very friendly.

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